Wednesday 25 May 2016


What are my objectives
What do I need to do to achieve my objectives
What resources do I need to achieve my objectives
Target date for when I want to achieve my objectives
Actual date my objectives were achieved
Become more used to working in the studio and more used to portrait photography
-Go into the studio and actually take photos and physically practice
-Learn from previous studio experiences
-Look up techniques and ways of taking studio photography for example other studio based photographers work
-Look up lighting set ups and other major studio factors
By the end of the college course

Become familiar with all different types of photography

-Try all different types of photography, from studio to landscape to sports, ect
-Research into all different types of photography
By the end of the college course

Get used to and become familiar with Photoshop and other image editing software
-Practice using the software so I become more familiar and know what I’m doing
-Look up and research how to use software
-Look up certain techniques and ways to do things on the software
By the end of the college course

Purchase all of the equipment I need for the type of photography I want to get into
-Find out what type of route in photography I want to go down and look at what equipment it recommends and needs
-Research what is the best equipment I need
-Research what equipment is very useful and help to have

Show people more work and get my work out there
-Create a blog to show off my work or create an account on a photo sharing website such as Flickr or Instagram
-Physically go to places and show off my work
-Find out what websites are best to use and the best at displaying work
-Find out local places where I could show off and promote my work
Summer 2016

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