Monday 23 May 2016

Guessing Shutter speed, ISO and Aperture

This was the first time we went out to take photos during this assignment, we went out into a surrounded courtyard at around 9:30am while the sun was low so shadows were created, before we went out we set our cameras up to a default setting which was 1/125 shutter speed, F8 aperture and and ISO of 200. the first image was ok at a low level where it was darker but started to become over exposed towards the sky where it was much brighter than the bottom, we tested and changed the camera settings to throughout the images, eventually i picked the right cameras settings, i kept everything else the same but just upped the shutter speed

In this image i did the same thing, guessed then started two change setting around, although in these images instead of changing the shutter speeds and aperture it was easier and more effective for me to change the ISO, but in the later images i wanted to capture the detail on the windows this meant it was easier to change the shutter speeds and aperture to capture the light.

These images were harder to capture because the lighting went from one extreme to another, from the sky the light was very bright and over powering to the camera and behind the wall there was a lot of darkness and shadows which took a lot of detail away from the wall, there was also a third factor and that was the brick wall to the left of the image which was reflecting light.

These images were easier to guess and change the settings because there wasn't a lot of information to deal with it was usually just one area of light and shadow and one area that would have to be changed, for example in the one of the ice arena it was only the sky which was over exposed and needed to be captured in detail.

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